


Congratulations to the beautiful DKJW-12 Jersey Girl av Vikholmen

who was 2.best female today with her first CAC (NDK )

Soon it's the last day of this year.

It has been a lot of joy this year, and we may look back with satisfaction :-)

It has also been sadness as my nieces mother passed away far too early in her life,

on Christmas day - leaving three children behind and a grandchild. Rest in peace Nina.

Our thoughts goes to her family.



Big Congratulations to Anna Mann and Joy Ride av Vikholmen

who was at the Swedish Winner show this weekend.

She got Excellent, res.CC - best junior and Swedish Junior Winner 2012 !!!

So proud of you :-)

Three of the girls from this litter has now got ar Junior winner title from

three different contries - Norway - Sweden and Denmark !

New pictures of Jackpot av Vikholmen :-)

New pictures of Jacqueline av Vikholmen and Jersey Girl av Vikholmen

Justin Time av VikholmenJive Talking av Vikholmen


What a great date... Well... now all the puppies have left for their

new homes, and are well adjusted and happy. It's very very quiet

in the house again, and it didnt take long before I really missed them...

Strange how forgetful one becomes after a while of peace and quiet.

It was a great litter in all ways, and I am very grateful to the Lawless's

for letting us use Zidane for this litter.

As always I am very happy with the new owners, and think we made

some great matches. I hope your new puppy makes you happy, I am proud

to be your breeder :-)

Soon X-mas and a new year is here. It has been a good year, and I

look forward to the x-mas hollidays and not to forget...  almost two weeks

off from work - wow! Looking forward to it!

Also - new pictures of Free Like the Wind vom Adlerwappen

And updated "Imports"


New pictures of Jersey Girl av Vikholmen

and the puppies in the K2-litter has got their own pages now


Updates on our puppy plans :-)

All males in our K-2 litters have two testicles - happy :-)


Show news: Norwegian Winner 2012:

Just Like Madonna av Vikholmen: Excellent and NJW-12 !!

French Touch du Bois du Tot: Exc - res.CACIB 2. best female

New pictures of the three remaining puppies :-)

Health News: Cute Black Cannibal z Kovarny: HD AA - ED 00 - Eyes Clear


New pictures of the puppies.  Trying to get nice pictures, but they are

not cooperative what so ever. Just wants to sit down and kiss....

Had a very nice visit today (Iselin and Jasmine) so the puppies are sound asleep now :-)


New pictures of the beautiful babies :-)

they are just krazy now... running in the house as happy campers..

and it has been raining since forever I think... so no puppies outside..


What a superduper weekend we have had :-) !

We went to Denmark for a double show: Danish Winner Saturday and

Nordic Winner Sunday. We are soo happy with the results!

Saturday - judge Johken Eberhardt

Jersey Girl av Vikholmen: Excellent - DJ Winner-12 and 3.best female !

French Touch du Bois du Tot: Excellent - res.CAC - res.CACIB and 2.best female

Sunday judge:  Beata Petkevica

French Touch du Bois du Tot: Excellent - CAC - CACIB - Nordic Winner 2012 - Danish Champion and BOB !!!

Jersey Girl av Vikholmen: Excellent - 3.best junior female

And the puppies has grown a LOT ! - New pictures Friday :-) :-)


Since I am leaving for a show in Denmark tomorry - all the 5 week photos

are a bit early - so today, enjoy the lovely ones  - new pictures :-)


New pictures of the lovely puppies soon four weeks :-)

Happy news - Girl Power av Vikholmen: Hips AA - Elbows AA/00 :-)


Jippi! New pictures of the lovely puppies :-)

They are really lively now - lots of energy all over... and

they are just three weeks :-) They have just moved into the citchen and has

lots of space now :-)


New pictures of the puppies !!! :-)


New pictures of the puppies :-)


New pictures of the puppies - 5 days old.


New pictures of French Touch du Bois du Tot and Cute Black Cannibal z Kovarny


Dustin Dream av Vikholmens puppies born today!

She got 7 puppies, all with nice size (2 black girls - 2 black boys and 3 red boys)

she is a great mum, and the little ones have their bellies full with milk :-)

Show News!

BSBK nat.show in Bergen - judge Arne Foss:

French Touch du Bois du Tot: Exc - CC - BOB !!

A-Te-Ell's Madame Yatzie: Exc -2 best ch. female

Steadwyn Fashions Black Witch: Exc - CC - 3.best female

Jackpot av Vikholmen: BOS puppy show.

NBFK special show - judge Pietro Bottagisio

French Touch du Bois du Tot: Exc - CC - BOS !!

A-Te-Ells' Madame Yatzie: Exc - CC 2.best ch.female

Cute Black Cannibal z Kovarny: Exc - CAC - 2.best male !!

Girl Power av Vikholmen: Exc - CC - 3.best female !!

Jackpot av vikholmen: BOS puppy


New pictures of Daring Devil av Vikholmen

And here is Dustin soon 8 weeks pregnant...


Lots of news - just me that is lazy - LOL :-)

Dustin is sooo heavy, poor girl - just one more week to go :-)

French Touch du Bois du Tot has done a very nice mental description

and has no shooting reaction - such a great girl!

Come and Get Me av Ostretunet did her mental description last week and

it was also just great - no shooting reaction - we are so proud of our girls!!!


NBFK Special show: judge Dyllis Knight:

A-Te-Ell's Madame Yatzie: Excellent - BOS !!!

Girl Power av Vikholmen: Excellent - best junior and CAC !!

NKK int CACIB show Stavanger

Steadwyn Fashions Black Witch: Excellent - CAC- BOB - CACIB and Norwegian champion!!!

A-Te-Ell's Madame Yatzie: Excellent - res. CC - res.CACIB   2.best female!

Girl Power av Vikholmen: Excellent -


Duncan Dawn av Vikholmen: 2 x BOB Major !!!

Portugal Special show - judge: Jean Lawless:

Gemeni Dream av Vikholmen: BOB - BIS2 and Portuegese Champion !!


Joy Ride av Vikholmen has been to two more puppy shows :-)

2 x BOB and 1 x BIS 2 - 1 x BIS 3 !!! She is incerdible!


We expect puppies from Dustin Dream av Vikholmen and Revloch Zidane !


Sweet Int NKK Show - Oslo!!

Dustin Dream av Vikholmen: Exc - res.CC - CACIB - BOS - Crufts Qualified!.

Cute Black Cannibal Z Kovarny: Exc - res.CC - res.CAC - 3.best male - Crufts Qualified!

Jersey Girl av Vikholmen: BOB puppy ! and new photos :-)

Come And Get Me av Ostretunet: Exc - CAC - res.CACIB - and New Norwegian Champion!

Steadwyn Fashions Black Witch: Exc - res.CC - BOB veteran !

Free Like the Wind vom Adlerwappen: Excellent - 3.best male

Updated pages on litter for Neo and for Corsica Monte Cinto.


Dustin Dream and Revloch Zidane is now mated in Ireland. We had three nice matings, so hopefully

there will be puppies late September after these two :-)

New pictures of:

Just Like Madonna av Vikholmen

Justin Time av Vikholmen

Jacqueline av Vikholmen

Show news!!

Nesbyen aug 2012:

Just Like Madonna av Vikholmen: BOB - BIG4 (puppy show)

Dustin Dream av Vikholmen: 

Saturday: Excellent - res. CC - BOB

Sunday: Excellent - res.CC - BOB

Cute Black Cannibal Z Kovarny:

Saturday: Excellent - winner of junior class

Sunday: vg - Winner of junior class

French Touch du Bois du Tot:

Saturday: Excellent - 2.best Champion

Sunday: vg - 2 best Champion

Steadwyn Fashions Black Witch

only shown Sunday:

Excellent - res.CAC - 4 best female - BOB vet.


Finally summer vaccation - ahhhhhhh - lovely :-)

Not much happening - but show news from Mona and Anton with their Jcqueline:

she was BOB puppy in Sandefjord - Congratulations!

New photos of Jacqueline av Vikholmen and Jive Talking av Vikholmen


Match Show with judge Liz Woodward: Dustin Dream av Vikholmen - Winner!!!

Joy Ride av Vikholmen - show in Sweden: BOB - BIS2 !!!


NEW photos of Cute Black Cannibal z Kovarny


Joy ride av Vikholmen: BOB BIS2 puppy

Kritikk: 4 mån tikvalp av god typ. Mycket vacker. Utm vackra ögon,

 korr öronplacering. Väl ansatt hals. Härlig över og underlinje.

Starka ben og tassar. Välvinklad. Välburen svans. Välvisad, trevligt temp."

NKK int Show Drammen:

French Touch du Bois du Tot: excellent - 2.best female and res.CACIB

Dustin Dream av Vikholmen: Excellent - 3.best Champion female - res.CC

Girl Power av Vikholmen: Excellent

Steadwyn Fashions Black witch: Excellent - BOB veteran


What a great show weekend ! NBFK special show (Tretten)

Saturday - judge Trevor Wheeler

French Touch du Bois du Tot: CAC- BOB - and Norwegian Champion and BIS2 !

She was also NBFK Club Winner 2012

Girl Power av Vikholmen: exc - res.CAC - 3.best female - and BOB and 2 BIS junior !

Hexen House Narahn: BIS Honour Veteran.

Dustin Dream av Vikholmen: exc - 2.best champion with res.CC and also BIS2 Brace !!!

Nuch DKch Neo: 3.best Champion. res,CC and res best male !!

Just Like Madonna av Vikholmen: 3 best puppy.

Jersey Girl av Vikholmen: 2.best puppy.

Grace Shany av Vikholmen: Excellent

Sunday - judge Sandra Dubach

Dustin Dream av Vikholmen: exc - res.CC and 3.best female.

BIS brace with: French Touch du Bois du Tot: exc - res.CC 4.best female

Girl Power av Vikholmen: exc. BOB and BIS junior with res.CAC -

Neo: 2.best champion male with res.CC

Jersey Girl av Vikholmen: 2.best puppy.

Hexen House Narahn: exc - res.CC BOB and BIS Honour veteran. -

Many thanks to the judges Sandra Dubach and Trevor Wheeler -

for a super show weekend with their nice critiques and great attitude and humour ♥


New pictures of Jacqueline av Vikholmen - Jackpot av Vikholmen

and also Jet Rider av Vikholmen


NDK Show - judge Wenche Eikeseth - Jackpot av Vikholmen BOB - BIS puppy !!

Dustin Dream av Vikholmen: res.CC and BOS :-)

New pictures of Icelott's Alzonne


HOHK show: Girl Power av Vikholmen: CAC 3rd.best female and BOB junior


All That Jazz av Vikholmen:  Hips AA


Show news!

SBK 05.05. : Girl Power av Vikholmen - Excellent, CAC and BOS - also BOB junior!

Icelotts Alzonne: BOB and BIG 2 puppy !

Congratulations to Unn :-)


Corsica Monte Cinto av Vikholmen har hatt sin første date :-)

Den utvalgte var Camipato's Black Beauty. De hadde to fine parringer 4 og 6 mai.

Da håper vi på Collievalper rundt 6 juni. De var så flinke begge to, og klarte "alt"

veldig fint alene uten innblanding :-) Det er Lillian Katla som er oppdretter av

disse valpene - så ta gjerne kontakt med meg , så videreformidler jeg :-)


Very very proud and happy !!!! 28/04.2012 Yatzie and I did a great job and nailed the 1.prize

in tracking !! she is now  Norwegian Wild Game Tracking Champion !! (tracking for wounded animales)

We did compete last weekend also, but I was not doing my part of the job correctly,

and we got a 3.prize. This weekend on Stord everything went our way and it was a beautiful 1.prize :-)

The judge was very satisfied with our work and we got a lot of praise :-)

- Also two new beautiful pictures of Jackpot av Vikholmen


New pictures of NUCH DKCH R.H. Neo


New pictures:

Jacqueline av Vikholmen - Jersey Girl av Vikholmen - Joy Ride av Vikholmen

Jackpot av Vikholmen - Just Like Madonna av Vikholmen

Duncan Dawn av Vikholmen - Corsica Monte Cinto av Vikholmen

Jean Siva av Vikholmen - som døde i den meget respektable alder av 15 år.

Tusen takk til Tine Østby som har sendt både bilder og hyggelig brev om henne.

Easy To Please av Vikholmen - og vi satt og smilte her når vi så på bildene,

for hun er så utrolig lik på sin mor, Lace  :-)

I Am Legend av Vikholmen


14/15 of April there were NKK int show and Collie special show in Bergen

NKK results:

Judge: Anne-Cathrine Edoff

Dustin Dream av Vikholmen: Excellent CACIB and BOB !!

French Touch du Bois du Tot: Excellent - 2 best open class.

Judge John Watson

Steadwyn Fashion Black Witch: Excelent  - res.CC - BOB and BIS 4 veteran!!! .

Heart of Mine av Vikholmen: Excellent 3.best in junior class - and new photos

Collie special show: (47 entered)

(the judge only gave exc to the two best in each class...)

Heart of Mine av Vikholmen: vg - 4 i junior class

Corsica Monte Cinto av Vikholmen: vg 3.best in open class

Ysatis de Givenchy av Vikholmen: vg 5 in open class.


Lots and lots of new pictures from our J2-litter :-)

Thank you so much all of you for your feedback on the puppies :-)

They are all doing great and I am so proud of them all!

Photos: Justin Time av Vikholmen , JackPot av Vikholmen, Jive Talking av Vikholmen

Jet Rider av Vikholmen Joy Ride av Vikholmen Jersey Girl av Vikholmen Jacqueline  av Vikholmen

And also: Bohemian Rhapsody av Vikholmen and Duncan Dawn av Vikholmen !!


Mange nye bilder av Blaise Modesty av Vikholmen - tusen takk Stine :-)


Det går så fint med alle valpene, det er vi kjempeglade for.

Vi har fått tilsendt videoer og bilder - helt herlig å se dem igjen :-)

Noen av barna har allerede begynt å gå på døren når de skal ut på do..

- jeg er imponert!

Av nytt her på siden er det vel bare "Årets Belger/Collie" jeg har oppdatert for 2011,

Dere kan jo ta en titt om dere kjeder dere :-)


All the puppies has left for their new homes - we wish them all the best :-)

Alle valpene har nå reist til sine nye familier- vi ønsker dem lykke til videre :-)

All of them has got their own page.

Det var veldig rart å våkne opp mandag morgen uten alle de vakre barneøynene

som tillitsfullt ser på meg når kjøkkendøren åpnes. ble helt sentimental da siste gutt reiste..

The female we are keeping has got her page also :-) Just Like Madonna av Vikholmen

Dustin Dream av Vikholmen is not expecting puppies this time. We will try again next heat.


Nye bilder i dag :-) New pictures today :-)

The puppies refused to stand properly, sorry.......

A bit cold outside today, so the puppies could not be out for so long :-)


Ehh... Klarer oppdateringer akkurat en gang i uken, ikke dårlig det..

Med hjelp fra valpene da selvfølgelig - NYE bilder av bøllefrøene i dag.

De har vært en tur ut i dag - og det nøt de virkelig- løp og løp og løp......

så hadde vi koselig besøk til valpene, så de fikk rast litt mer fra seg :-)

Vi har også vært på utstilling!

Shownews !

Søndag 25/2 NHHK

Dustin Dream av Vikholmen: Exc, res.CC - BOS!!!

French Touch du Bois du Tot: Exc, res.CAC - 3.best female !!

Gemini Dream av Vikholmen

More Shownews : !

Bohemian Rhapsody av Vikholmenn was BOB 25/2 at Tornio dog show in Finland,

judge Jesper Anderson - Congratulations to Sari !!!

Congratulations to Joao and family for BOB with " the Dream"

Gemini Dream av Vikholmen 5.ª E. C. Nacional de Fafe (Portugal)


New pictures of the babies :-)

Today they have been outside for a short while - until it started to snow....

and we got a lot of toys from Andrea Kateman, owner of Chuck, and the puppies loved them :-)

Thank you Andrea!

All new toys are greeted with joy!

Alle valpene vokser utrolig fort, og er veldig sosiale hele gjengen.

Vi har hatt mye besøk, og de er like glad i alle :-)


New pictures of the beautiful puppies - first they had to have a bath..

something they all thought was just fine :-)


New pictures of the puppies :-)


Diaz Dior av Vikholmen is now also x-rayed with great results!

And some sad news: Free Like the Wind vom Adlerwappen was eyescreened with Colbom and CEA

both eyes, and will therefor not be used in breeding.


New pictures of the puppies :-)

They are all doing fine - and Yatzie is a great mother as always :-)

Puppies are now in the puppy yard in the kitchen, since they are sooo ready for it :-)


New pictures of all the Groenendael babies :-)


French Touch du Bois du Tot - Elbows 00 - AA !!!!!


New photos of the babies - three days old :-)


Pictures of the puppies :-) Both mum and puppies are doing well :-)


The puppies are born!!! We got 8 beautiful black babies (4+4)


Lots of health News !

Fendi Forever av Vikholmen : Hips AA

(Sunresc Lace Back to Fame x Zeus Black Magic av Vikholmen)

French Touch du Bois du Tot: Hips AA

(Adeline de Montmirail x Urghen de La Douce Plaine)

Girl Power av Vikholmen: Eyes Clear

(A-Te-Ell's Madame Yatzie x Xantos du Baton Tiroir)

Scala Datter av Vikholmen: Eyes Clear

( Ninja Avoir La Vue av Vikholmen x Fakaisers Yorry D'Yavo)



Yatzie's belly is growing fast, and we are trying to be patient now in the long wait for puppies this week :-)


Happy New Year everyone!

2011 was a great year for us - and we leap in to 2012 with great expectations :-)