


Special show Stavanger - judge Kelly Lawless

Dustin Dream av Vikholmen - exc - CC - 2 Best Veteran - 4 best female

Secret Spell av Vikholmen - Excelent - nr 1 in open class

Moulin Rouge av Vikholmen - Excellent - CC - nr 1 in CH class


At the Norwegian Winner show Dogs4All, we had two dogs entered from home, and also

there was several others that had entered their Vikholmen dog to the show, so nice to see them all again :-)

At the Norwegian winner show today INT CH Dustin Dream av Vikholmen

was Norwegian winner 2017 and BOS, her daughter Secret Spell av Vikholmen was Norwegian jr. Winner 17.

CH Moulin Rouge av Vikholmen 2best bitch with CACIB.

CH Movie Star av Vikholmen 4th best bitch with res. CACIB.

Love Poison av Vikholmen VG. (need to loose some weigt....)

Starlight av Vikholmen 2best in junior class with exc.

Congratulations also to Liisa Sarjanen with her New Norwegian CH and Nordic CH title for Apollo de Bruine Buck

who was 2.best male with CAC and res CACIB.

Congratulations to all winners  - lovely Day, and thank you so much Jean Lawless Revloch for the nice qritiques


We have been to a trip to Germany, and it was a eventfull trip if I may say so :-)

Lots of good showresults!

World Winner in Leipzig: Play Girl av Vikholmen :

Exc, VDH CAC and res. CACIB, vice WW-17 and also German VDH Champion today!

Secret Spell av Vikholmen :exc and res jun. VDH CAC ! And congratulations to Mias daddy

Montego Blue vom Egelshutz with WW-17 title and BOS


At the German winner show:

 Secret Spell av Vikholmen: German jr. W-17 with jr VDH CAC and

Play Girl av Vikholmen : winner of open class and VDH CAC



Alle valpene har reist til sine nye eiere :-) Vi ønsker de lykke til i sine nye hjem. All the puppies have left for their new homes

We miss them already :-)


Nye bilder av Twister av Vikholmen. nye bilder av valpene som er blitt hele 6 uker gamle :-) og litt oppdateringer her og der :-)


Nye bilder av valpene :-)


Nye bilder av valpene :-)


Nye bilder av valpene 3 uker gamle :-)


Lots of congratulations to Sari and Jari Kastile with their new Norwegian CHAMPION !!!!!!

Love love love av Vikholmen was BOB with CAC at NKK Harstad and with this becomes NUCH !!!!

So happy for you :-)


New pictures of the Collie puppies 2 weeks old :-)


Norwegian Belgian Special show !

And what super results AGAIN! Thank you so much Paul Lawless

First of all: NW-16 DKjrW15 Play Girl av Vikholmen was BOB with CAC and BIS 2!

She also gained her Norwegian champion title today! Congratulations also to her co-owner Kjersti

CH Dustin Dream av Vikholmen was BOB veteran with CC and BB2 BIS 2 veteran

CH Moulin Rouge av Vikholmen: got excellent CC and won ch class 
Secret Spell av Vikholmen got excellent -


Our little puppy: Twister av Vikholmen was BOB and BIS puppy !

Sabotage de la Terre Sauvage got excellent CC and 3rd in open male (res.best male)

And finally, our breeding got hounour prize and BIS breeder with Dustin, Moulin, Secret Spell, and Play Girl
So very happy with the day
Thank you so much NBFK avd Hordaland for a very nice day

Congratulations to the other super winners also


New pictures of the puppies!

Alle valpene vokser så fint og trives, mamma Trixie er en helt super mamma med mye melk :-)


Congratulations to Anna Mann, who has been to a show in Sweden Sveg on Östra Härjedalens BHK off för brukshundar

Sookie, Joy Ride av Vikholmen, got Excellent CC BOB and BIS2 !!!!


Valpene er kommet !!! :-)

3 gutter og 3 jenter ble det, alle soble, da pappa til kullet er sobeldominant.

Vakre fine barn, med store fine hvite krager. Mamma Trixie er kjempeflink :-)


We expect Collie puppies :-)

Long time since we have had Collie puppies at Vikholmen, so we look so much forward to this :-)

Alzonne av Izelott


BIG SHOW WEEKEND for TEAM Vikholmen !!!!!

Special show in Stavanger, Norway with judge Brice Roice

And a great entry for the Special show in Stavanger with 90 entries!

We only had three dogs from our kennel, but very nice results!

C.I.E. NOCH DKCH JWW-10 DKW-11 NW-11 NW- 13 NORDIC W-11 HEL W-13  FI W-13

DK W-15 Dustin Dream av Vikholmen gained her 7th Best In Show !!! And She was also BIS veteran :-)

NOCH DKCH NW-15 Moulin Rouge av Vikholmen was 3rd best female with CC

NW-16 DKjrW-15 Play Girl av Vikholmen was 3rd in open class with excellent


New pictures of Tin Man av Vikholmen , Twister av Vikholmen  , Starlight av Vikholmen

Twin Peaks av Vikholmen, Tiger Lily av Vikholmen , Tinker Bell av Vikholmen



CH Movie Star av Vikholmen: CC CACIB and BOS !! Congratulations Connie!!!

"Smilla" is now top ranking at the NKK top show dog in Norway :-)

CH Matrix Revolution av Vikholmen: CC and 2Best male Congratulations Anita :-)


All puppies have now left for their new homes, and we wish them all the luck

in the new world :-)


2 days NAT Show Norway: 2 x CC CACand 2 x  BOB : EURjrW-15 DKjrW-15 Play Boy av Vikholmen

Congratulations to Anita :-) !


NKK INT CACIB show Ekeberg

NKK INT show today for judge Paul Lawless Groenendael :CH Movie Star av Vikholmen : BOB and CACIB,,

 Tervueren: Starlight av Vikholmen exc and winner of jr. Class.

Congratulations to Connie and Hanna both with Crufts qualifications 2018 !


All but one of the puppies have left for their new homes now.

Tin Man will stay a little longer, until he goes to Finland.

Father of the puppies  (Titus) was Best in show at the BIG special show in Finland!!!!

Congratulations to his owner Liisa !!! incredible :-)

All of the puppies have got their own pages now.



New photos of the puppies - all the males have two testicles :-)

also new photo of Apollo the Bruine Buck


New photos of the puppies :-)

Names are chosen: for the girls: Tinker Bell - Tiger Lily - Twister, and boys : Twin Peaks - Tin Man - Twilight

(the boy that ony lived for two weeks got the name Tomorrowland) 

And big things happening for daddy Apollo de Bruine Buck (Titus) in the world:

Four new titles: CIB CIE , BH and Danish Champion !

25.5.2017 Working dog speciality, Vantaa Fin, judge J Andersson
Apollo "Titus" de Bruine Buck - working class exc/1 CQ BOB
Titus was shortlisted among 10 in BIS ring, but this time without placement.
Photos taken by Nina Palmu

16.5.2017 FCI traditional herding competition, judge J. Siitonen
Apollo "Titus" de Bruine Buck - class 2, 82 p/exc, 1. place, IHT2 and ticket to highest class

11.5.2017 BH test, judge K Makkonen
Apollo "Titus" de Bruine Buck - BH passed




New pictures, five weeks old :-)

Puppies available :-) T2-Litter - one beautiful male and a super girl on special terms :-)

And the names have been choosen :

Tin Man av Vikholmen - Twin Peaks av Vikholmen - Twilight av Vikholmen, for the boys

and:  Tinker Bell  av Vikholmen- Twister av Vikholmen - Tiger Lily av Vikholmen for the girls :-)



New pictures, both three and four weeks pictures are in now.

The little guy died one week ago, we are so so sad, and therefor the webpage

was not up to speed on the pictures, I apologize.

The little puppy died overnight, he stopped putting on weight and just passed in his sleep.

We miss him.


NAT SHOW Drammen: NCH Movie Star av Vikholmen: CC and BOB ! Congratulations to Connie!!!


New pictures of our T-2-litter 2 weeks lod, they are so lovely :-)


INT CACIB show in Bergen judge : Benny Blid von Schedvin

The two siblings from junior class did it again :-) exc CC CAC and BOB

for Secret Stranger av Vikholmen and exc CC CAC BOS for Secret Spell av Vikholmen !!


Health news: Sabotage de la Terre Sauvage Hips AA - ED 00

The little one is stille fighting for his life,  still putting on a little weight every day


All is fine with all of the puppies

Even the smallest one is still here with us :-)

The big 6 is even bigger and are so healthy and lively and lovely :-) Chili is a great mum is all ways

She is with all our dogs and are so calm and nice.

We feed the little one every two hours - he is not strong enough to get the milk from his mum. - And now he has reached 200gr

We hope he stays strong and healthy, so many things can go wrong, but we hope for the best and do our best for him.

We have a lot of photos now - from the puppies one week old, enjoy !

T2-litter one week - pictures


The puppies was born late last night :-) Our T2-litter.

 Chilli is such a great mum for her puppies. She is the sweetest girl ever.

She is calm and know what to do :-) Only that it was not a great idea to eat that much

that late before her puppies would arrive :-) 4 boys and 3 girls. 1 boy is very very tiny, not sure if he will survive

unfortunately. He is only 170 gr, and did not want to eat in the beginning. Elisabeth was very stubborn and said YES,

you are to eat, and you are to be a big and strong boy in the end. Time will tell if we can manage this.

The other 6 is very big and strong puppies, and Chili has a lot of milk :-)


NMHK Rogaland Secret Spell av Vikholmen: Excellent CAC BOB junior and BOB !

Secret Spells qritique : lovely presentation, nice earset. Lovely dark eyes.

Beautiful teeth and corect bite. Coat beautiful condition.

Lovely presentation. Nice legs. Nice temperament. Nice tailset, good topline.

Moves and showes well

Play girl av Vikholmen: exc res. CC - Res. CAC 2BTK !



Rapport fra Ingrid :-) :

Årets første stevne på hjemmebane

Trez debuterte i klasse 1 med 144 av 200 poeng med ny vri på en øvelse

(er da mye vanskeligere å løpe rundt hinderet enn å hoppe over?).

Tahlly startet i klasse 3 og fikk 171 av 320 poeng.

Kjegla var så morsom at den måtte løpes rundt to ganger

Gratulerer så mye til dere :-)


Report from Canada and Line Roberge, with her Power Play av Vikholmen (Dustin x Ailo):

What a great Rats! Canada Winter Cup final! The ranking was very tight throughout the season!

Helly finished 5th over all in total for the Winter Cup, Reserve over all in Barn and Reserve in Group 7

breeds. Thank you to Danièle Pichette and her team and to judges for this great season.

Congratulations Line! You are amazing!!! - Such a nice team!



Qojotes And Take A Chance on Me (Mission Impossible av Vikholmen x Love Love Love av Vikholmen)

first official dog show Lahti INT and result JUNC1 EXC CQ BOS Junior and his first CAC! Congratulations!



Puppies confirmed by ultrasound :-) We are so happy.

Chilli lives in Finland, but will join us in Bergen very soon so she can

be friends with the 4 that lives here already.


NAT Show NHK (N) today judge Rune Fagerstrøm - the two siblings: Secret Spell av Vikholmen

and Secret Stranger av Vikholmen was shown for the first time - Both Exc - CC - CAC -and BOB !

Secret Spell also BOG 4 ! what a debut for her and her brother


Bad luck seldom comes alone , unfortunately we have been spared from Hip dysplasia

in our black lines for many many years, not that it do not exsist (just becuase someone has not hip scored their dog)

 -  but We are so sorry for you , our puppy buyers,and also the dogs when something happens to your best friend and


In a short time now, one of our new imports (Eternitys Maleficent) and two offspring from us

has been diagnosed with hip dysplasia, and we are sorry for this. It is something we can not foresee.

We do NOT plan for this and do not want this for anyone - it is just so sad. As is all sickness

It is impossible to see or plan for all as a breeder unfortunately, I just wish....


08.02.17-09.02.17 Apollo de Bruine Buck (Titus) and Love Love Love av Vikholmen (Chilli)

was bred in Finnland. Chilli will come to Norway and us to have her puppies in Easter.

We look so much forward to that.

Dustin was unfortunately emty this time and we are so sorry for that.

So we are even more happy for Chilli and Titus puppies.

We had planned those puppies for late 2017, but since Dustins had no puppies we were so lucky

that Chilli came in heat just in the right moment :-) Thank you Sari and Liisa for all your help

with this, without Saris help this would not have been possible.

I am blessed with loving friends,  Thank you Sari :-)


Our Collie Lace has been ill some days this week and it turned out to be pyometra,

she was rushed to surgery and luckily all has went well so far. She is not very happy in her big

body suit :-) But she is alive and that is the most important issue. She is 12, so now we hope to

have her for many years to come :-)


Vikholmen has Top Show Female Groenendael In Norway also this year :-)

2007 - 2008 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014* - 2015 - 2016 *


Mia is now living with us. (Secret Spell av Vikholmen) She is 8 months :-)
