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Secret Spells Shows
16.09.18 NKK INT Show Jugde : ... Exc - CC - BOB
- CACIB !!! |
15.09.18 NBFK Special Show judge Emanuele Boriero:
Exc . CC- CAC - BOB - BIS !!!!!!!!!! Norwegian Champion !!! |
2018.13.05 DKK Roskilde judge: Hans van der Berg:
exc - CC - CAC - 2.best female - CACIB very
nice in type, I like her head very much, very nice parallel lines,
very nice in expression and ears set, excellent front and rear, good
top line, compact, very nice coat, excellent mover |
2018.12.05 DKK Roskilde judge: Rob Douma: exc -
CC - CAC - CACIB - BOB 20 months, medium in
size, squre built, long vedgeshaped head with almost parrelel lines,
well placed ears, dark eye, correct neck, good topline croup and
tail set, equali angulated all around, shows elegance and nobility,
correct bone and feet, by correct speed she moves correct, well
presented, lovely coat, |
2018.11.05 DKK Roskilde judge: Birgitte Schøth:
Exc - CC - CAC - 3rd best female
20 mdr. gammel feminin tæve, herligt hoved og
udtryk, prima front, velvinklet bag, kvadratisk, prima pels og
farver. |
2017.18.11 Dogs4All NW judge Jean Lawless:
Excellent - CC - res.best bitch Winner of jr.class Norwegian jr
Winner 2017 |
2017.30.09 BSBK judge Jeff Luscott: Excellent |
2017.11.11 Germany World winner Show Leipzig.
judge: Sunica Lazic excellent - res.VDH CAC 2.best junior
bitch |
2017.08.11 Germany Special show Leipzig: judge
dr.Umit Øzkanal excellent - winner of junior class and German
jr.Winner-17 with jr.VDH CAC |
NKK Bergen judge Benny Blid von Schdvin
Excellent CK CAC1JKK
1BTK BOB : JR tik med bra prop., velform. hode, bra ører, reslig hals, bra
overlinje, lite
brant kors, velutv. for alder, markert forbryst, bra benst., norm.
elegante typ. rørelser, bra pels |
NMHK STAV judge Zorica Saljevivic SWE
Exc. 1JK 1JKK |
NMHK STAV judge: John Muldoon IRL : Exc - CC - CAC - 1JK
1BTK BOB junior - BOB Critique: Lovely presentation, nice earset. Lovely dark
eyes. Beautiful teeth and corect bite. Coat beautiful condition.
Lovely presentation. Nice legs. Nice temperament. Nice tailset, good
topline. Moves and showes well. |
NHHK BERG NAT judge: Rune Fagerstrom FIN :Exc - 1JK 1BTK
CC- CAC - BOB - 4BIG |
