
| |
Import from the Czech Republic

Black Z Kovàrny
Born 06.07 2006
- Complete scissorbite
HD AA / ED AA - Mentaltested - secure for shot
eyes free as a
puppy - Co-owned with Ostretunet
- lives with May-Liss and family :-)
Thank you, Hana at kennel
z Kovárny for this
s.r. RIVAL de la Fureur du Crépuscule
(g) Sujet Reccomandé France
Selected CZ Champion of France
2x CAC at Nationale d´Ekevage Fr.
CACIB - Championaat de France
BIS - Speciality CZ, Club Winner CZ
CSAU, TAN Champ.Exc.+
eyes OK |
Champion of Montecarlo & Luxembourg Elite A at
R.E. IF du Crépuscule des Loups
CACIB - CAC- BOB, Elite A of France,
several times The best stud of the year
R.E. CAREY du Bois du Tót ,tervueren |
Champion of France, Elite A of France
R.E. FIDJI du Castel d´Argences (g)TAN,
de la Fureur du Crépuscule(g)
Champion of France and Montecarlo, Elite A at France,
top stud
R.E. GYLSON de la Fureur du Crépuscule
(g) |
s.r. FLIKA du Bois du Tót
, tervueren |
FARA YAZOO du Chemin des Sorciéres
(g) Selected T.s. (H)
FCI European Champion
Champion of Slovakia, Poland, and Hungary, Jr. Champion of Czech
Republic,2x Club Winner, Nationally Winner, Winner of Speciality
The best Belgian shepherd of CZ 2003 CSAU, char.test 96 / 100
PRA/C neg. |
T.s. ZSIMBA des Terres Bergeres (g)
Selected at Hungary T.s.
Champion of Hungary, Slovakia and Romania, Jr. Champion of Hungary,
8x BOB, 4x CACIB, 3x Club Winner, BIS, r.BIS PRA/C neg.,
CACIB, CAC, BOB, CAC+BOB - Club show Belg.
VISON des Terres Bergeres (g)
VERY NICE des Terres Bergeres
(g)HD/A |
Jr, Champion of Hungary
YAZOO du Chemin des Sorciéres
(g) |
Junior Champion of Hungary, Club Winner, CACIB
s.r. VIKING des Terres Bergeres
(g) |
Vörös Pimpernel WELPIE
(g) |

Sujet Reccomandé France
(s.r.), Selected CZ (s.)
shows: Champion of France, many times
CAC-CACIB-BOB include CAC on Nationale d´Elevage France or
Mondiale Berger Belge. BIS - Czech Speciality
examinations: CSAU
character tests: TAN Champ.Exc.+, PT 99
health: HD/A, eyes OK
descedants: many super descedants over the
world, champions and selected with great exterier and character.
Selected at Hungary (T.s.)
shows: FCI European Champion, Champion of
Slovakia, Champion of Poland, Champion of Hungary, Junior
Champion of CZ, Club Champion KCHPBO... Nationally Winner,
2x Club Winner, Speciality Winner, many times CAC-CACIB-BOB.
Exc.4th - Nationale d´Elevage France
examinations: CSAU
character test: 96 pts (out of 100),
Char.test of HU
health: HD/B (A/B), ED 0/0, PRA/C neg.
descedants: see her website

Showresults: |
28.02.09 NHHK
Liz-beth liljequist excellent 1AK 1AKK CK CERT 2BTK CC |
14.02.09 ØEVHK Ilona
Onstenk-Shenk excellent 1AK CK 4BTK res.CC |
28.09.08 BSBK Hans Muller 1AK 1AKK CK 4BTK CERT
CC |
27.09.08 NBFK Hana Pizarcovarna 1AK 2AKK CK 4BTK
res.CC |
27.10.07 NBK Dommer:
Leif-Herman Wilberg 1JK 1JKK HP
Meget fin type. Passe stor med bra
proporsjoner. Hodet har fint uttrykk. God lengde. Parallelle linjer.
Fin hals og reisning. Normalt vinklet. God kropp for alderen. God
pelsstruktur. Typiske bevegelser. |
28.10.07 NJSK Dommer:
Helge Lie 1JK 3JKK
God type og
størrelse. Bra hode for alderen. Bra øyner og ører. Bra uttrykk.
Meget bra hals og overlinje. Bra kropp og benstamme. Bra
bakbensvinkel. Bra pels. Bra temperament. Bevege seg og viser seg
bra. |
26.05 2007 NBFK Marie
France Varlet 1JK excellent |
25.05 2007 NBFK
Amanda Mclaren 1JK excellent |
Dommer: Ole Staunskjær, Denmark. Danish Kennel Klub Kreds 4,
9 months. Lovely head and
expression. Correct bite and a full set of teeth.
Wonderful neck and overline, perfect short back. Normally angulated,
could have
stronger bones. Good color and coat, moves with power but is a
little narrow behind |
Haimèe fikk
Very Promising 1st for dommer Jaroslav Zembjak på
valpeshow i Tjekkia |
